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Is NJU7890_"High accuracy attenuation factor error ±1.0%" not affected by internal resistance variation?

Special Function AmplifiersSpec

The resistors in this product are formed by wafer process technology. The absolute value of the resistors in this product varies, but the relative ratio (matching) can be made highly accurate.


The accuracy of attenuation is determined by the relative ratio of resistors (R1 and R2, and R3 and R4) as shown below, and is not affected by variations in absolute values. In addition, the attenuation factor (±0.7% @ Ta=25°C, ±1.0% @ Ta=-40°C to 125°C) is inspected in the inspection.

  • 0067_01

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  • Is NJU7890_"High accuracy attenuation factor error ±1.0%" not affected by internal resistance variation?