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  • Is the /RESET pin of the NJU2103A pulled up to V+ with a resistor inside the IC?
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Is the /RESET pin of the NJU2103A pulled up to V+ with a resistor inside the IC?

Voltage Detectors (Reset ICs)Spec

The /RESET pin of the NJU2103A is not pulled up by a resistor between the /RESET pin and the V+ pin, but by a constant-current circuit. (Figure 1, red circled area)
Figure 2 shows an example of H-level /RESET output voltage VOHR vs. /RESET output source current IOH characteristics. From the VOHR test condition of the electrical characteristics on page 4 of the datasheet, IOH is recommended to be used at 5μA or less. When the load is high-impedance, such as CMOS logic ICs, this product has the advantage of eliminating an external pull-up resistor.

  • 0050_01

    Figure 1: NJU2103A Block Diagram

  • 0050_02

    Figure 2: VOHR vs IOH Characteristics example

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  • Is the /RESET pin of the NJU2103A pulled up to V+ with a resistor inside the IC?